Make Your Own Wedding Invitations Online

Make Your Own Wedding Invitations OnlineThe ability to make your own wedding invitations online has made flipping through huge binders of invitation card designs and envelopes at the stationery shoppe a thing of the past.  Now, brides can shop for online wedding invitations from the comfort of their homes – searching specifically by categories like styles or color rather than having to sift through one collection at a time.  At LookLoveSend, the process of finding, customizing, and previewing your wedding invitation design order is simple and fast.

How to Make Your Own Wedding Invitations Online

Most couples have at least a sense of the type of wedding they’d like to have early on in the process.  A formal black tie event in the city; a rustic daytime wedding in the country; or an exotic destination wedding on the beach. Since the wedding invitation sets the tone for the formality and setting of the event, each of these distinct weddings call for a differing style of invitation.

LookLoveSend offers a wide selection of styles to browse through, with an easy online tool to search by style categories such as modern, traditional or destination, as well as by color. You can quickly focus on the designs you like most.  Then make your own wedding invitation online simply by clicking on your chosen design and customizing your own wording. You can also edit for font style and font size.  Many designs come in multiple color palettes and allow you to add a photo for further customization.

Before submitting your order, enter any special instructions you may have. Our fantastic dedicated customer service team will always review these instructions during processing.  Be assured that your order is individually reviewed and you will be asked to approve a digital proof before printing.

The wedding planning process involves a lot of research, product comparison and coordination.  For your stationery needs, make your own wedding invitations online with the most beautiful designs, easy customization, and quick turnaround time.  Save yourself time for store shopping for things like your gown, cake,and flowers!

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