
4 Baby Naming Strategies

baby announcement cardsChoosing a name for baby can be tricky business for some. Couples have lots of different approaches to doing this, but it’s still easy to get stuck. You may find yourselves getting a little nervous as the due date approaches and you can’t get past your disagreements. Or, you maybe haven’t nailed down the spelling by the time you want to order baby announcement cards, or worse, nothing at all is even sticking. What strategies have you used successfully to give your little one a first and middle name?

STRATEGY #1: Look to Family

Using a family name can simplify things. But if there’s any element of envy or competition among the in-laws, think about striking a balance with a family name from the other side, either as a middle name, or for baby no. 2. Using a family surname, popular in the South, recognizes an entire group rather than just one family member.

STRATEGY #2: Hit the Books

Make it a date night! Crack open a few name books at a cafe, or bring your name lists that you made independent of each other.  Have some fun sharing with one another the ridiculous connotations you have with the names. Work a little at it, accepting each other’s hang-ups, and move on. You can probably whittle your lists down to just a few–maybe even just one!

STRATEGY #3: Check What’s Trending

The top ten most popular baby names over the past decade have remained fairly consistent. While old-fashioned names have moved up the list a bit, and creative spelling has spiced things up, similar names still top out the list. So think about how you’ll feel if your kid is one of four or five kids the same age with the same name. If that could be an issue for you, work your way down the list.

STRATEGY #4: Follow Famous Figures

If you’re a confessed celebrity stalker, you probably have some favorites baby name ideas from pop culture. But other famous people besides pop icons can be inspiration. Readers who love writers (Emerson, Whitman!), musicians with favorite composers and singers (Lennon, Dylan, Amadeus!), fans and athletes with sports heroes (Beckham, Babe!). Even past world leaders or historical figures provide fertile ground for name ideas, especially for middle names.

However you approach naming baby, make sure you try it out on a beautiful baby announcement card like those at www.looklovesend.com. Seeing the name in print, even just on screen on a digital proof of you order, will bring you a burst of pride. Share the news with everyone by ordering original, quality baby announcement cards that you can easily personalize with a monogram or photo. Announcements are printed on premium weight papers and orders ship the next business day.


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