
Baby Shower Extra: Sign Up New Mom for Mealtime Help

Many of us today can barely manage to get our own suppers on the table. So our desire to help out a new mom -  by taking charge to organize and schedule meals for her – is heartfelt. But what’s the best way to act on our good intentions without getting overwhelmed by phone calls and emails over details like delivery times, meal preferences or even food allergies?

Internet websites for do-gooders abound, with tools to organize and schedule meals for those in need – without overly relying on any one single person. One popular site, www.mealtrain.org, is a free, interactive online calendar that runs itself once someone has registered the new mom. It’s easy to getfriends, neighbors, family and co-workers on board; the site provides essential information like home address, food preferences, optimal delivery times, and even reminder emails to the person with thenext scheduled meal.

Here’s how to get the train rolling:

  • Start a “meal train” with only yourself as a committed meal provider.
  • Grow participation through email, Facebook invitations, or by word of mouth (suggest the site when people hear the news and ask how to help.)
  • Make good use of the baby shower, by printing the website address right on the baby shower invitations. Or, collect email addresses as guests arrive. Then you can email out a MealTrain invitation afterwards.

If you are an expecting mom, and don’t think anyone else has stepped up to the plate, go ahead and sign yourself up! At the very least, suggest MealTrain to friends or family.

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