
Birthday Party Invitations During the Holidays

birthday-party-invitationsIf you’re birthday party planning for your December kid, you can try to navigate the fuzzy border that entangles balloons and balsam, or give in and go with holiday birthday party invitations. Here are a few ideas we’ve gathered from blogs and Pins from parents who’ve met the challenge. We’ve taken the liberty to organize them by age:

Cookies & Milk Party (1-3 year olds)

What age doesn’t love cookies and milk? Think gingerbread men, frosted sugar cookies, cookies with red-hot noses and antlers. This sweet and simple party is perfect for the baby turning one during December. It also works as a cookie decorating party for 2 and 3 year olds, with some assistance. The best part is handing out packages of cookies as easy party favors, perfect for the holiday season.

Grinch Party (school ages 6-10)

“Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas means a little bit more.”

While The Grinch himself may be a bit scary for younger kids, the sentiment he expresses is a powerful one for a Christmas-time birthday kid. Center this party around a showing of the classic TV special, have kids make Grinch antlers for their pets or themselves, serve some green Grinch punch and cupcakes. Find more game and activity ideas on www.Suessville.com.

Ornament Party (tweens & teens)

Engage older kids in the thought and meaning of giving at Christmas time. Guests choose an ornament to bring and trade with another guest, chosen either ahead of time or by drawing names during the party. Another way is for guests to place their ornaments in pre-numbered paper bags as they arrive. The host has guests draw a number and they choose that bag (as long as it wasn’t their own ornament).

You can find both birthday party invitation and holiday party invitations to personalize with your party details at www.looklovesend.com. Many designs allow you to upload a photo or other image, and customize with other details including flat or folded cards, backside printing, envelope liners and pre-addressed return addresses. Orders turn around quickly, and your complete satisfaction is guaranteed.

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