
Go Pro for Your Engagement Photo


Spring Blossoms by Suling Wang

Today your engagement photo will likely be used for things besides publication in your local paper. The traditional black and white newspaper engagement announcement photo can appear everywhere you choose–fromĀ save the date cards, a personalized website, wedding programs, and other creative event PR you decide to have.

Not long ago, pulling a favorite photo from your personal collection would suffice. Many couples today stick to this approach, confident in the high pixel count of their personal digital cameras. Why spend money on professional services when you can get a crisp, clear, smiling photo from any location you choose whenever you might be there?

It’s true that spontaneity and flexibility remain good reasons to keep your camera handy. But you may consider other reasons for going pro to get an engagement photo. There is an obvious benefit to have a selection of polished, stylish photos available to use in your wedding day communications. Here are some other reasons to think aboutĀ  allocating some of your wedding budget to a professional photographer to conduct a professional engagement photo shoot:

Test Drive Your Wedding Photographer

What better way is there to find out about a potential wedding photographer? If you admit that the engagement photos won’t be nearly as important as your wedding photo, then find out first about the personality, creativity, photo quality, and final results you get from your photographer in the engagement photo shoot first. You’ll either get a boost in confidence or decide to go elsewhere.

Rehearse for Your Wedding Day

Having a professional photo shoot gets you together as a couple in front of a camera before your wedding day. You get to practice the same challenges you’ll face on your wedding day when your nerves are bound to be wound. Balancing posed smiles with natural expressions is no easy feat. Get comfortable doing it together first to learn which works better for you as a couple.


Besides professional-grade equipment to capture crisp, clear images under any conditions, a pro brings experience with other things that enhance the quality of your photo. A professional photographer has experience with backgrounds, perspective, poses, props, and even clothes that can transform a standard head shot into a lovely, interesting image you can use many times over.

When you’re ready with your photo, turn to the gorgeous save the date card designs at www.LookLoveSend.com. The majority of designs can be personalized with your photo. You can zoom in or out on the image and apply a different color treatment to the photo, such as black and white or sepia tones. Save the date cards can be coordinated with a complete wedding invitation suite, which includes components you choose, such as your ceremony program and thank you note cards.

Don’t forget to enter LookLoveSend’s monthly Wedding Invitation Sweepstakes too. You could win $500 towards your choice of an entire wedding invitation suite!



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