
The Best Version of Peek-a-boo You’ll Ever Play

baby-birth-announcement-cardsThe very next question after telling someone that you are expecting is almost always: “Are you going to find out what you’re having?” Your answer is very personal, but unfortunately, may not always be respected as such. So watch out if you sense that the person you’re talking to has a different opinion. It can get heated with people on the “Green Team” (I didn’t even know there was a team!). What’s dumber than arguing over this one anyway?

It’s true–some “wait-and-seers” have a sense of superiority when they actually brag about having waited to find out the gender of their baby. Like the experienced this MileHighMamas.com blogger described, they attach some kind of virtue to the experience of being “surprised,” implying some kind of weakness in others who find out via today’s ultrasound technology.

But it’s not just the planners who want to get their baby birth announcement cards ready beforehand. It’s also those of us who’ve experienced other kinds of “surprises” that keep us from wanting any more. From labor issues to pre-mature birth or other more difficult outcomes, having a healthy baby on time is the ultimate surprise, and whether we already know the gender totally irrelevant.

So for all the “waiters” out there, here are a few specific and personal reasons people choose to find out their baby’s gender:

  1. SIBLING BONDING Younger children have a stronger identity with their new baby when they know whether they’ll have a new sister or new brother. Take the “It” out of the discussion, and make the concept of a human growing in mom’s belly a little bit more real.
  2. PARENTAL PREFERENCE While most parents will instantly fall in love with baby regardless of gender, if one parent is holding a gender preference, knowing the outcome ahead of time helps that parent adjust.
  3. TWINS No one should question your desire for preparation if you’re having twins! From nursery set-up to apparel and all the other equipment that is increasingly gender-stereotyped, there’s strong economic incentive to know ahead of time when you’re buying double.
  4. BABY #3 OR MORE If you already have a boy and a girl, you’ve probably ended up with bins of clothes and toys for both genders. It helps to know which ones to keep and which to clear out.

No one should stand on a soapbox when it comes to making a personal decision about finding out the gender of their baby. After all, the best surprise is holding that fully-formed human being in your arms and looking into his or her face. It’s the best version of Peek-a-Boo you’ll ever play!

For a look at wonderful baby birth announcement cards to share the details you choose, shop the collection at www.looklovesend.com. You’ll find baby girl birth announcements to swoon over, and clever ones for boys too.  You’ll also find just as many fresh original designs for gender-neutral card no matter what your preference!

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