
Toss, Frame, File or… Photo Christmas Cards?

If it hasn’t already occurred in your town, the last day of school is around the corner for many kids. As they hop off their buses for the last time, burst in through your door and throw backpacks on the floor, are you ready for the onslaught of end-of-year art work?

Maybe the pile of work shows up at your house before the last day. But no matter, when it comes, you need to have a system. It helps to have some system for dealing with all the papers, something along the lines of:

  1. Toss It
  2. File It
  3. Frame it

But what about art pieces that are an odd shape, extra large, or three-dimensional?

Stash Away Your Artwork for Photo Christmas Cards

photo-christmas-cardsOne great way to preserve these pieces is to photograph them. Develop your photos and place them in a special art album labelled by child, year and grade. You can hang onto these albums for your own sake, give them to your children, or choose one or two favorite pieces of art to use in photo Christmas cards later on in the year.

If you think your kids have brought home some artwork you can use for your photo Christmas cards, set them aside in a box so you can add more artwork that will come when school starts up again in the fall. You may be able to create a collage of photos with multiple pieces, or use more than one photo if you find a photo Christmas card design with multiple photo spaces.

You can start shopping now for great photo Christmas cards to get an idea of design styles and colors. The Christmas and holiday collections at www.looklovesend.com are packed with original designs created by a team of artists who are regularly adding new designs. All photo Christmas cards are printed on your choice of a matte or photo-gloss paper, and you can customize text and choose flat or folded cards. If you have concerns about how your artwork photo will print on a photo Christmas card, don’t hesitate to contact customer service toll-free during regular business hours or through online chat.

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