
Your Wedding Invitations: the Fine Print

online-wedding-invitationsThe variety and choice of online wedding invitations available today is incredible, especially as you begin the hunt browsing wedding invitation websites. So many color, style, format and detail choices. Could it be that in today’s world, wedding invitation design trumps etiquette?

Don’t be fooled. Most people recognize good form and proper wording when they read it. If they don’t, then they’ll know when it’s missing. So no matter how formal or casual your wedding style, don’t skip key invitation etiquette–a set of time-honored formalities that serves to demonstrate respect for this very formal social event.

The upside is that by simply following some basic rules about what gets printed on your wedding invitations, ordering your online wedding invitations becomes that much easier!

What Details to Include in Your Wedding Invitations


Print this on the invitation only if the style of your invitation is too open to interpretation, or, if you desire a highly specific dress code that falls on either extreme of the dress code spectrum. Take care to capitalize the first word only, Black tie or Beach casual.


If you have pre-arranged transportation for guests between hotel(s) and wedding venue, this information should be printed on the reception card or a separate enclosure if you need more space for details. Simply write, “Transportation will be provided from the ceremony to the reception.”

Your Wedding Registry

Information about your wedding registry belongs only on the wedding shower invitations! Do not mention it anywhere in your formal wedding invitation, or on any other components, such as wedding save the date cards. You may indirectly address the topic of gifts by using an At-home card, an enclosure that provides the couple’s home address and also reveals how the bride is changing her name.


There is no good, tactful way of explaining children are not invited. If children are invited, you can list them by name on the inner envelope, oldest to youngest, but the invitation itself should be addressed to their parents in proper form (Mr. and Mrs.).

Now back to the fun part. Browse the beautiful online wedding invitations at www.looklovesend.com. You’ll find a huge selection in styles and colors, and plenty of samples to follow for wording your wedding invitation just the right way. Enter our monthly Invitation Sweepstakes too, for the chance to win $500 towards your choice of wedding stationery.


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