Archive for May 16th, 2012



Gracious Host or Greedy Guest of Honor?

Would you judge someone who sends a party invitation for their own big birthday bash? Would you think that it’s  selfish or desperate? This would be hasty and misplaced judgement. In today’s world, more and more of us are tossing out old fashioned notions and phony humility. Instead, throwing your own party is really doing those we love a favor by taking the burden off of them. Besides, if you’re reaching a milestone birthday, wouldn’t you want to celebrate with your friends and family?

create your own invitationsContrary to the saying, you can have your cake and eat it, too. There’s a lot to like about throwing yourself a milestone birthday party. You aren’t being selfish when you are in fact the one funding the expense and planning a good time for your friends. Here are three good reasons to create your own invitations and plan a party for yourself:

  • No waiting and wondering if you’re having a surprise party
  • Take the pressure off of a loved one who may feel overwhelmed by the responsibility
  • Plan the party exactly the way you want–guests, menu, music, everything!

Create Your Own Invitations with Confidence

Why sit around and wait for someone else to plan your party, when it might not really be exactly what you had in mind? Why put the pressure on someone you love to make it perfect? It’s an easy choice for more controlling types. But the decision to throw a party for yourself comes more slowly to many.

So here are 3 guidelines for throwing your own party in the spirit of gracious host, not greedy guest of honor!

Budget accordingly.

If you’re taking the bold step of playing host, this isn’t the party to ask people to pitch in. So be realistic about where to spend.  Cut back in one area to spend in another. Host at home to pay for catering, or hire entertainment but provide your own food and beverages.

No presents.

Be explicit about this in your birthday invites. Suggest a charitable cause you care about for guests to donate to in place of gifts, at their option.

Hire out.

Doing double-duty as host and guest of honor means you’ll have to be fully present with your guests, so outsource the preparation and serving of food and drinks.

You can find fabulous, fun party invitations online at Invitations are designed by professional artists and created as original designs that you can personalize with your own information and images. If you order more than 50 invitations, enjoy receive free domestic ground shipping.

party invitations online