
5 Easy Steps for Writing Perfect Thank You Notes

thank you notesDo you ever find yourself staring at a blank note card, mind wandering, pen tapping? Maybe your palms are even beginning to sweat at the thought that you’re stuck on note number one, with twenty (or two hundred!) left to go.

We’ve covered some thank you note writing strategies for kids before, but here we cover more about the actual words you can use to write in your own adult thank you notes. We hope these five easy steps will help you the next time your pen just isn’t flowing.

  1. Thank you so much for the… [gift, money, donation, service, etc.] This is the essence of your note. Simply name the specific thing your are thanking them for, so you acknowledge the connection. It’s the ROI in gift giving–receiving recognition for their gesture. If money is the gift, there is no need to name the amount.
  2. Your gift is [special] because… People simply want to know what you thought of their gift. Replace “special” with any other description you think applies, such as “useful” or “beautiful,” and give a reason for that description. Something as simple as a gracious “it will always remind me of our friendship” or “I will always think of you” works well here.
  3. I was delighted you could join me for this happy occasion…or…I missed seeing you at the [event] but hope we can get together soon… Acknowledge whether or not the gift giver was present at your event, and that their presence matters. Even if they were unable to make the event, graciously understand by referencing a future opportunity, as described in the next step.
  4. I look forward to seeing you…or…I wish you well in your future… Make your interest in continuing your relationship known. If this is not the direction of the relationship, reference the future by wishing well for them. You can name the season ahead, or some other future plans you may know they have.
  5. Regards/Love/Fondly/Best/Sincerely… There are so many ways to close your note it really is a matter of personal preference and style. If you have a consistent closing, use it. Do try to differentiate between family or close friends and acquaintances or colleagues.

With this primer in hand, all you need are the perfect thank you notes! You will find beautifully designed note cards for many kinds of special occasions at LookLoveSend.com. Printed on premium quality, heavily weighted papers, LookLoveSend.com note cards convey the importance of your expression of thanks in a memorable way. Join our email list today and receive 20% off your first order!

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