
Gather Round the Summertime Punchbowl

Do you feel the oppression out there? We are talking heat! Summer brings heat waves we can’t do much about. But if you happen to be planning a big event like your wedding or some other outdoor special celebration, you don’t want the merriment to come to a screeching halt. The punchbowl is a good summertime alternative to beer and wine when things get too hot.

party invitationsIf your party invitations are in the mail, and a heat wave looms, get out the punchbowl (or borrow one!) Thrift stores are a dependable source for finding this classic party serving piece. A recent, popular Babble post, 25 Totally Clever Summer Party Ideas, sparked some great ideas in serving and recipes.

Since alcohol is a prime perpetrator in dehydration, it makes sense to get more creative with how you serve it in more limiting ways (e.g. punch). You want to offer alternative choices to alcoholic beverages, such as slushies, popsicles, fruity waters, etc. Make simple things like water more appealing too. Use frozen fruit ice cubes, slice lemons and limes into glass water pitchers. Not only does this make water more appealing visually, but you avoid plastic water bottles that don’t do well in heat and don’t help the environment out any either.

3 Great Hot Weather Drink Ideas

Click on any of the links below for details on how to make these cool, refreshing summertime party beverages.

Popsicle Bubblers

Southern Living has a knack for blending sophistication and fun. Just make sure the kids know not to grab these Prosecco-soaked grown-up pops. Better yet, have a kid-friendly version with lemon-lime soda!

Watermelon punch bowl

Click on this Martha Stewart website (of course!), you’ll find instructions for carving your own watermelon punch bowl along with plenty of watermelon-inspired recipes to fill it!

Sherbet-laced punch

We’re featuring Paula Deen’s popular LimeĀ  Punch recipe, but there are so many versions of this punch. Orange, lime, raspberry sherbets are all delicious, and if you can’t decide, go with Rainbow sherbet! It’s up to you whether you add champagne or vodka for the adults.

For fun summertime party invitations online, LookLoveSend has highly original, fresh party designs you can customize. With a few clicks and some clever wording, you can have your party invitations shipped to you the next business day.

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