Archive for October 6th, 2011



Get Germ Patrol on Your Birthday Party Invitation List

Ding dong! “Who’s there?” “It’s the Party Germ Patrol, ma’am. We got the birthday party invitation.”

kids-birthday-party-invitationsImagine if these guys showed up at your next children’s birthday party: a team of silent and stealthy germ monitors, on the scene to tackle common germ offenses. They’d be dressed like the guys in those energy ads, wearing shirts labeled “Sneeze Guard Guy, “Cough Containment Guy” and “Hand Wash Monitor Guy.”

Not high on the list of official duties for most party hosts is to tactfully manage germ exposure from guests, or your own child. This becomes especially noticeable as we barrel full speed into the cough, cold and flu season.

How do we manage overt germ exposure during the hectic rhythm of a children’s birthday party? It’s going to be a growing challenge as the fall and winter season bear down, and as children show up who maybe should not have.

The parent who sends a child with obvious symptoms has tread on ground you would never have dared if it were your child, right? And it goes without saying that if it’s your own child with the symptoms, you’ll cancel the party, right? Hmmm…

Just remember the universal signals every parent should regard when deciding if a child should sit the party out:

  • Fever or vomiting
  • Excessive sneezing & runny nose
  • Excessive coughing

Those of us who are parents know we don’t always make the right call. So let’s move out of the germ patrol guy fantasy, and away from counting on parents to pay strict attention to universal germ signals. Here’s some key party planning tactics to tackle as a germ-aware host at your next party:

  • Handwashing. It all starts here. Make it fun by putting out a bowl of fun-shaped soaps small enough for kiddie-sized hands, or a foaming pump, and a stack of paper towels instead of a single hand towel. If they’re young enough, turn it into a game by looping a pre-recorded 30-second song (like Happy Birthday or Old McDonald) for each handwasher (or have the next kids in line sing it!)
  • Tissues. Keep them readily available. Put boxes out everywhere within reach of your guests, and a few in your pocket to offer at a moment’s notice.
  • Utensils and paper cups. Make sure everyone has their own to keep sharing to a minimum. Have plenty of extra to toss away or change out between pizza and cake.

Beyond taking preventive measures like these, there’s no direct control you or anyone else has over the spread of germs. Keeping your child’s immune system strong, through healthy sleep and eating habits, up-to-date vaccinations, and good hygiene practices is your best bet.

Now that you’re ready to take on the germ patrol challenge at this season’s parties, shop for fun and fantastic birthday party invitations at You can customize your invitation with photos and text, and when you join the email list, you’ll receive 20% off your first order!