Archive for October 9th, 2011



A Short-Term Wedding Invitation

How would you feel receiving a wedding invitation with an expiration date stamped on the bottom? As crazy as that sounds, the short-term wedding is a hot topic in Mexico right now. Leonel Luna, a legislator from the leftist Party of the Democratic Revolution in Mexico, wants to make it possible for couples to “try out” marriage for two years and facilitate a simple divorce if things don’t work out after that time.

wedding invitationAccording to Luna, “what we’re trying to do is acknowledging reality and creating a mechanism that will allow couples to end their marriage without going through the additional pain and suffering of a legal battle.” Under his law, couples would sign a marriage contract with a two year expiration date. After thosetwo years have elapsed, couples would have an option to renew. The contract would also state terms of property ownership and child custody should the union not be renewed.

The bill is currently in a committee process and will be voted on by the full legislature in a few weeks’ time. If approved, the bill would apply only to couples getting married in Mexico City. The bill is clearly controversial and receiving great disapproval from Catholics, but the capital of Mexico City is much less conservative than the rest of the country and Luna is optimistic his bill will pass.[source: CNN]

It will be most interesting to see if this bill passes. And even more interesting still to see if couples start flocking to Mexico City to tie the (easily undone) knot there if it does indeed become law. Luckily for now, a wedding is forever and a wedding invitation has no expiration date. For a beautiful selection of designer wedding invitations, see the growing selection at If you are getting married in 2012, enter the Wedding Invitation Suite Sweepstakes to win a complete wedding invitation suite up to a $1500 value.