Archive for July 13th, 2012



Should A Bride Ever Be Denied a Shower?

No bride should be denied the right to a wedding shower. But you’ve heard the naysayers–those traditionalists who feel that certain conditions preclude a bride or couple from having their day in the sun. These couples need their friends to step up and get those wedding shower invitations mailed.

Wedding showers as we know them became mainstream following World War II. They originated as bridal showers in the late 19th century primarily in the upper middle classes to help increase the bride’ worth (dowry or trousseau) so she could marry the man of her choice. This makes the bridal shower a custom of modern notions, despite the overt sexism of the customary gifts for kitchen and bedroom!

Ironically, the bride or couple sometimes denied a shower are often those who’ve taken their time to find a life partner. They include:

  • Second marriage for either partner, or both
  • Older couple marrying
  • Couple who has been living together for some time

Sending Wedding Shower Invitations for Older or Repeat Marriages


Boho Birds by Genevieve Gail

These modern-day brides and couples deserve the traditional celebration as much as any young, innocent bride of a bygone era:

  • Second marriages – Who wants to continue with leftover plates chosen by the first partner? More importantly, removing any and all traces of the first marriage seems like the best way to start anew.
  • Older couples – They may have all the trappings of home already, but need to combine their collections. Renew and replace is the way to go.
  • Couples living together  – With many of the basics already chosen, help them step it up with the finer details they may not have had the means to splurge on.

These examples underscore the important role of wedding shower registries too. Only the couples themselves know what they really need and want to make their new home. No one should deny them their moment! If you want to get started planning a wedding shower for a deserving couple you know, you can find beautiful wedding shower invitations for brides and couples at All invitations come with coordinating envelopes and orders ship the next business day.