Archive for September 4th, 2012



To Have and to Store

If you’re engaged, chances are you’ve bought a wedding magazine or two (or seven) to browse the latest trends and ideas in gowns, accessories, wedding stationery, and everything else wedding.  And if you’ve read those magazine, chances are you’ve seen that Container Store ad promising a ‘vow to get organized’ and showing the bride longingly looking at neat rows of shiny storage containers. The team at LookLoveSend loves the many storage solutions offered by the Container Store, but regardless of the stores listed on your wedding shower invitation, read on for some of our favorite food storage tips.

  • Store baked cookies after they have completely cooled.  If you store them while they are still warm they will become soggy.
  • Freeze a batch of homemade cookie dough so you can bake a batch at any time within minutes.  No need to thaw the dough before cooking, simply add a minute or two to the baking time.
  • Consult Real Simple’s food expiration guide to find out the shelf life for 77 of the most common household products and foods.  For example: 4-6 months for an opened bottle of ketchup, or 3-4 days for opened tuna fish – not to be stored in the can.
  • Freeze marinated meats in a resealable plastic bag to be defrosted in the refrigerator overnight. Meats will be tenderized and flavored as while frozen.
  • Use square storage containers wherever possible for easier stacking and to take up less fridge/freezer space.
  • Got bananas, berries, peaches or melon that is about to become overripe?  Freeze it to make smoothies or frozen drinks at a later date.

Getting married as a great chance to get organized and stock up on storage containers for the kitchen and beyond.  And if you’re the one hosting a wedding shower for someone special, checkout the growing collection of designer bridal shower invitations at for diverse designs printed on superior quality paper stock that is sure to impress.