Archive for September 28th, 2012



Quick Quiz: Holiday Season Preparedness

photo christmas cardsWhat kind of holiday planner are you? Eager, ready, cleaning-out-your-closets-now to make room for seasonal bounty? Or wondering what to do with the basket of last year’s photo Christmas cards? Find out how fanatical you are when it comes to  holiday season planning with a fun, quick quiz.

As October looms, you are thinking about:

(A) What style outfits you want to coordinate for the kids’ Christmas card photo shoot.

(B)  Checking out local consignment stores for a Halloween costume. First things first!

(C) Clearing off the bulletin board to make more room for school notices that have piled up in recent weeks.


Your parents ask you what the kids want for Christmas this year and you reply:

(A) “I sent you an email yesterday with the list. Just click on the links!”

(B) “I’ve been asking the kids and will send you some ideas soon!”

(C) “Who are you and what did you do with my parents?”


The first holiday catalogs begin trickling in through the mail. You immediately:

(A) File them for future reference in an organized fashion (home, children, clothing, etc.).

(B) Thumb through quickly to tear out the coupons.

(C) Add them to the nice dusty stack growing taller by the back door.


Your favorite part about holiday season planning is:

(A) Planning the menu and decor for your annual holiday party.

(B) Shopping Black Friday (especially the mid-night store openings!)

(c) Eggnog. Online shopping. Cozy new slippers. Some more online shopping. Nat King Cole. Bailey’s.


If you answered with mostly (A) answers, proceed immediately to to create Christmas cards online with your photos. If you answered mostly (B), check out the fresh, stylish photo Christmas cards, so you’re familiar with the variety in styles. If you answered mostly (C), look for a back-up, non-photo Christmas card. LookLoveSend has a huge variety of non-photo holiday cards for those who just can’t get it together in time. But, no matter when you place your order, it ships within 48 hours of your approval!