Archive for September 15th, 2012



Grandma’s Baby Shower Wish List

baby shower invitationsOkay, so maybe Grandma doesn’t know it yet, but she’s going to need a lot of stuff. You can help her out, and help yourself too in the process. After all, you’ll want her to be fully equipped when you visit, especially if you plan (or maybe just hope) to have her keep baby on a regular basis. Short of throwing Grandma a shower or sending out extra baby shower invitations to her dearest friends, register for some extra items your self.  Otherwise, pick up the cheaper brand of these following items at your convenience, as you see them:


Start with a pack-n-play, the most portable, versatile, and down-right practical piece of baby gear out there. It will fit anywhere, serves as a diaper changing station and playpen, and is so quick and easy to set up. Grab extra sheets when you see them.


Short of a fully-blown changing station, a simple changing pad moves easily from sofa to floor to kitchen counter, whatever is most comfortable for grandma. A fitted cover or disposable changing pads helpful if the pad doesn’t wipe easily. Buy wipes in bulk, but not diapers, since you may not use them all before baby grows into the next size.


A portable, strap-in booster seat is a more economic and space-saving solution for Grandma’s house than a high chair. If she’s still got a high chair leftover from yesteryear, you may want to examine the paint (for lead) and safety (straps and tray may no longer suffice). Stock up on a few bibs, utensils and sippy cups too.


Scout out a few basic toys at consignment stores or wipe down Grandma’s collection of ancient toy treasures to see what you’ll let baby play with. Books for bedtime are also important, so check out used bookstores or library book sales for discarded copies of a few favorites. You can also cycle through your own books and make sure there’s always a book basket at Grandma’s.

For fabulous, fun baby shower invitations, shop for original, adorable designs, printed on premium quality papers. You can personalize your baby shower invitations online quickly and easily with your own information, including adding a photo or special monogram. Coordinating baby thank you notes are available too.