Archive for March 29th, 2013



No Replacement for Personalized Party Invitations

personalized-party-invitationsDoesn’t parenting in the brave new world of social media sometimes feel like a game of Candyland? Instead of that mean Lord Licorice or Gloppy the Molasses Monster we’ve got to deal with new apps like ChatRoulette or SnapChat? Just when you get ahead, a new one pops up and sends you back a few spaces.

There’s no warning either–no pretty, printed, personalized party invitations to announce and explain the next new socially mediated experience.

Here’s a sampling of the typical markers we’re finding along the path being forged through Social Media Land:

  • Have you arranged a play dateĀ  yet entirely by text…and never even heard the other parent’s voice?
  • Have you or your teen been forced to join Facebook in order to follow the team sports schedule? She can’t miss the travel bus pick-up change.
  • Did your child miss the party because you didn’t receive the Group Text invitation? Shame on you for denying her that Android!

Bring Back Printed Personalized Party Invitations


'Classic Anniversary' by Amanda Zoss for

Being in the personalized online stationery business makes us a bit biased. But we can all relate to a story of feeling both overwhelmed and isolated because of our new technology. This is reason enough to give a fresh look at printed paper for your next planned event. Sometimes it’s best to go with an email invite, but with today’s fast turnaround and high quality personalized party invitations, ordering them online leaves fewer excuses not to make a better impression.

Find out why paper is preferable…

Left out.

Ever missed the group text invite? Some of us with the wrong phone have. And not all our kids have them either!


Most digital communication can be copied and pasted, forwarded, reply to all. It’s easy to err socially with a misplaced comment or forward to someone not invited.

Not enough information.

Literally left to our own devices, the key information of the traditional party invite doesn’t always make it in a quick, one-off text. Details matter.

To get your next party on, go to and find beautifully printed, personalized party invitations that you can order in an instant. Whether you’re hosting an anniversary party, birthday party, graduation party, or any other kind of party you can imagine, your order will ship quickly (turnaround of orders is within 48 hours). Order one extra for a keepsake!