
4 Easy Steps to Re-start Your Christmas Card List

This is another foray into the world of organizing for the holidays. Our first hint at dusting off your Christmas card list came before Halloween. But now, before you get too wrapped up planning this year’s Thanksgiving Day menu, take a moment to locate your list for sending out your Christmas cards. Christmas cards

Are you one with an impeccable spreadsheet file formatted to fire onto labels? Or have you cobbled a paper list together year after year, never really sure where you put it the year before but always sure it’s outdated? If you are Type A with a ship-shape list, this blog isn’t for you. The rest of us should read on.

Starting up or starting over is not so difficult a task if you break it into steps and tackle a little each day you can find time. Here’s one example of a printable Christmas card list guide you can use directly. Or, use it for inspiration for how to organize your list, whether on paper or electronically. Then, follow these basic steps:

STEP 1: Write down names

It sounds simple enough. Getting names down on paper is really a process of thinking through all aspects of your life. Identify the people and acquaintances in all areas of your life that you think might like to hear from you, or with whom you feel it’s important to stay connected. Think about the following:

  • Family (immediate and extended)
  • Neighbors
  • Friends (current, childhood, college, post college, newly forming, etc.)
  • Clubs and organizations (e.g., Book Club, moms group, sports rec team, church, civic organization, etc.)
  • Co-workers
  • Special categories (favorite old teachers, special service providers, kids’ teachers and other leaders, etc.)

STEP 2: Alphabetize and Address Research

An alphabetized list is just easier to manage in the long term. You can do this the old fashioned way in your head, or, start loading names into the first column of an Excel spreadsheet and use their sorting tool to alphabetize afterwards.

Address research can sometimes be the most time consuming part, especially if your updating requires time on the phone, on email or on Facebook. Break it up by tackling a few alphabetical letters a day.

STEP 3: Print and Review

There’s really no need to debate the merits of having a paper Christmas card list or a digital one, because you should really have both. One backs up the other, and certainly personal preference can play a role when it comes time to actually sit down and address your Christmas cards. You may be inclined to print of labels, or you may like the personal feel of a handwritten address in which case having your paper list handy is the way to go. It’s entirely up to you, but just be sure that the lists are in sync. Whenever you update one, update the other.

STEP 4: Go card shopping!

This is the best part! Think about what kind of Christmas card message and design you want this year. You’ll find an extensive collection of cards in all styles and formats that you can personalize easily and order online at www.looklovesend.com. Cards come in multiple color options and can be flat or folded and personalized with your message and photos. When you order 50 or more cards you’ll get free domestic ground shipping.

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