
Bridesmaids: Circle of Support or Drama Club?

wedding-shower-invitationsEver get turned down by someone whom you asked to be your bridesmaid?  Did one of your bridesmaids continually demean your dress choice or hairstyle? Didn’t stop hearing about how her name should have been on the wedding shower invitations since she covered for a lousy Maid of Honor?

Most of who’ve been bridesmaid, bride, maid of honor, and in any order thereof, have experienced a few bumps in the road. We’ve identified three scenarios that easily lead to some drama. There are many more examples, so we’d love to hear about how you handled your bridesmaid dramas.

DRAMA CASE 1: She Gets Engaged

Losing focus on helping you (the bride) or constantly comparing her own wedding planning choices to yours are potential points of contention in this case. Make sure she’s still interested in seeing you through your special day as a bridesmaid–it doesn’t hurt to ask. Engaged bridesmaids can be the best bridesmaids since they’ll be asking the same of you!

DRAMA CASE 2: She Covets the Maid Of Honor Title

Coveting the title more than the responsibility is definitely a red flag. It’s easier to handle if it’s obvious that your sister or other special family member is your MOH, but even then you still might need a sit-down chat. Start the conversation by expressing your delight and gratitude that she is going to stand next to you at the alter on your special day. State simply that’s you’ve chosen your MOH for reasons that matter to you. If she (bridesmaid) feels under appreciated, you can offer another special role doing something she likes. Just ask her what she would like to do!

DRAMA CASE 3: Penny-pincher!

Name calling isn’t fair, since we all know the expense of being a bridesmaid. But those of us who’ve been on both sides of the alter know communication with a fair dose of generosity is the right mix. First express how meaningful it is to you and your friendship that she play this role in your special day, while also acknowledging the associated expense. Make sure you are sensitive to varying financial situations. Give your bridesmaids choices so they feel some control over the costs, such making wedding day salon services optional, offering to cover alterations, or gifting accessories you’d like them to wear.

In the meantime, send your hosting bridesmaids or Maid of Honor to www.LookLoveSend.com for fabulously original and stylish wedding shower invitations. All our wedding shower invitations are printed on the same beautiful, premium quality papers as our unique wedding invitations. You can also coordinate your shower invites with a wedding invitation design. With your approval, orders ship the next business day.

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